Sunday, September 14, 2008

Almost everything you need to know about oil and gas drilling investments

Recap of past oil and gas investing related articles.
I though it might be good to recap on the various articles I’ve posted this year related to investing in oil and gas. Below is a list of the various topic areas discussed with links to the associated articles of interest.

Defining an accredited investor:
Accredited investor
You may be accredited and not know it

Tax advantage related:
Tax free income
Reducing up to 40% of AMT income
100% deduction against all income types
Eliminate/reduce 1031 capital gain tax burden

Learn about the oil and gas business:
Why do oil companies need investors?
Who makes money from selling a barrel of oil?
What to watch for when investing in oil and gas
Understanding oil and gas speculators – Why do we need them?

Steps involved in a typical oil and gas drilling venture:
Part 1: Finding the best drilling location
Part 2: Structuring and funding the partnership
Part 3: Preparing and drilling the well
Part 4: Putting the well into production

Examples of actual oil and gas investments:
A single well oil/gas project
A multi-well oil/gas project
Funding the purchase of a oil/gas drilling rig

Choosing a specific oil/gas project to invest in:
Part 1: Know your investment strategy/goals
Part 2: Many ways to invest in oil and gas
Part 3: Choosing a developer and project

Mitigating rising fuel and energy costs for business/owners:
Investing to mitigate the risk of these rising costs

Generating debt free wealth/income:
Using a good oil and gas investment strategy

Real estate vs. oil and gas investments:
Part 1: Time and liability exposure
Part 2: Wealth from cash vs. debt
Part 3: Regulation and liability
Part 4: Considering tax issues
Part 5: Comparison summary and final thoughts

Additional non-oil and gas related articles of possible interest:
The fallacy of buying a home for the interest deduction
Part 1: What differentiates a successful accredited investor
Part 2: What differentiates a successful accredited investor
Part 3: What differentiates a successful accredited investor

A Plug for our sister "Oil and Gas Investor Network" social site:
For those of you who are not aware, we have a sister site for oil and gas investors on Ning. It is the “Oil and Gas Investor Network” Site at This site was originally started to support members of our group “Network for Oil and Gas Investors” at

So there you have it, all of the articles published to date on this blog site. I hope this recap provides a single source of valuable links you can use many times in the future as you either consider investing in oil and gas or continue on your oil and gas investing journey.

Please provide feedback to our generic email at on how we can help you be a better oil and gas investor or with other oil and gas related questions/topics you have that we can answer in future articles. Happy investing to you all.

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Copyright 2008 Ole Cram. Ole Cram is President of Marcobe Investments, Inc., a corporation that invests in various oil and gas ventures and refers accredited investors, investment managers, financial advisors, investment funds, and others to the associated oil producer of these projects for their consideration to also participate. We are not licensed to sell any interest in a project, nor are we registered advisors. Feel free to email us at with any questions, thoughts, or requests for other topics to cover in future articles.

This article was posted at Accredited Investor Blog: Key past articles can easily be found at This article is provided for educational purposes only and is not meant to be a substitute for tax, legal, financial, or other registered professional advice for your specific situation. Always seek the advice of a professional before making any related decision. Sphere: Related Content

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